Missions Day

 September 2023



We ask that everyone please be in prayer, not only for the various missions Littleton is involved in but, that our Missions Team will continue to seek God’s will and His wisdom in our decisions. Rest assured,100% of your generosity goes in support of the Missions in 2024.




Offerings go toward our Global & Local/DOMESTIC Missions. Our goal is to collect $75,000. This is a great time to be extra generous.



Cap—Haitian, Haiti

Brother Lucner Pierre and Family

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,
I do not really find true words to keep you posted on what God has been doing for us in Haiti through you. In reality, you are not our God, and you can never replace Him. However, it is worth telling you how much you are IMPORTANT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN HAITI. 

My team and I are very proud of you all for your spiritual and financial blessings. How do you think I can still support the 30 congregations without God's help and your support?

Do you know that thousands and thousands of people are impacted by both your prayers and your financial help. Your support prevents many orphan kids from going to streets begging and doing bad actions that oppose God's law.

How do you think I can keep teaching the 60 uneducated preachers without your assistance? You are really blessed in the US by having lots of educated preachers and elders. There are many churches in my country but very few can really do their job due to the lack of education. That is why I must dedicate every Saturday to teach them how to teach and preach. By the grace of God, I have a master's degree in Christian Education from the USA. I am sure that I was called to do what I am doing for the Lord in Haiti.

I do not know why God lets you be born in the USA and myself in Haiti.  But what I know for sure is:  "Jesus has created a strong team with you in the Sates and the Haitian leaders in Haiti."

Please keep up the good work so that we can stay united in order to keep fighting against Satan's power.

May God keep blessing America, Haiti, and the rest of the world through YOU!

In Christ,

Brother Lucner Pierre


Marseille, France


Our family of five has grown with the church here in Marseille, the second largest city in France, for the last 25 years. Our children, Nathan, Aurelia and Lucas were born and raised here. We live in a working class and high crime area whose population includes about 35% Muslims and in an aggressively secular culture that has made France’s reputation as a missionary cemetery. It wouldn’t be hard to find an easier place to share the Gospel.

However, we believe this is exactly where God has called us. Where else could we better share the Gospel with our increasing spiritually ignorant society, train the younger generations to stand up for Christ despite the costs, and hope for the great things God can and will do in this country?

The church’s steady growth here in Marseille testifies to the power of His grace over the enemy’s best efforts ; the Christians On Mission one-year internship is a formidable tool to equip our churches and young people ; and the Bonnefoi Bible camp creates the best opportunities to reach out to the children and families.

We are grateful for your prayers, encouragement, and support that enable us to work together to bring France back to Christ.

 Philippe, Dolores, Nathan, Aurelia and Lucas Dauner


Chennai, South India

 THE RENGANATHAN FAMILY — PAUL AND DORETHY - NIRANJAN (my son-in-law), GODSON (my grandson), ANGELIN (my daughter)

Myself Dr. Paul Renganathan, began my journey of over four decades as a professor at Douglas Memorial Bible College in 1976, later becoming a professor at Madras Teacher's Training College.

I founded World Bible School and Brighton Bible College in India, with the sole purpose of training preachers who could take the Word of God to parts where our true savior is unknown to people. For 38 years, our dedicated work from Chennai, South India has been focused on spreading love, hope, and salvation. We have witnessed the transformation of more than 120,000 individuals in 16 nations across four continents.

Our efforts have led to the establishment of 1701 churches and the graduation of 1692 preachers from our training school. We have shared over 2.5 million biblical handout lessons. Our compassion is also evident through the distribution of 6720 wheelchairs, 2923 goats, 1262 bicycles, 2471 sewing machines, and 180 fishing boats.

Through these initiatives, we have not only uplifted lives but also promote their self-reliance. In times of disaster, we have aided 122,000 individuals and provided medical care to 2.5 million people through our mobile clinic.

Additionally, we have set up 15 orphanages, caring for 315 children, and revitalised rural communities by installing 743 water wells. Our impact extends further as we have established four Christian schools across the country, nurturing thousands of students academically, morally, and spiritually.

These achievements stand as a testament to our unwavering faith, boundless compassion, and transformative influence.

As we continue to illuminate people with the teachings and grace of God, we deeply appreciate the love and support from you.

Paul Renganathan & family


Hildesheim, Germany

Don and Cindy Roehrkasse


In February we welcomed the 29th refugee from the Ukraine, whom the church here, like all the other refugees that have come through our doors, has helped to find a new home. We were overjoyed to share in the baptism of three of the refugees. We praise our Lord for working in the hearts of these three children of His!

The Lord is not moving solely in the hearts and lives of the Ukrainians. About six months ago, a young man from Iran showed up at our church services. After Don talked to and studied with him a few times, he readily committed his life to our Lord. What a joyful occasion and not just for us, but also for his brother, who had also become a Christian after coming to Germany.

On the day of this young man’s baptism, Antonio, (as he would now like to be called), his brother and all the Iranians that are a part of the bi-weekly bible study we work with, enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship and celebration. We spent some time sharing with each other what the resurrection of Jesus means to each one of us. It was beautiful to listen to their thoughts and to deepen our relationship with each other in this way. We are thankful and humbled as we watch and sometimes even get to be a part of God's working in the lives of others.

One of the greatest challenges we are experiencing is a struggle to bring so many languages and cultures together in one body under Christ. The  language, of course, is one of the biggest hurdles. There are naturally also many prejudices among and between the different cultures.

We share all of this with you with the request that you will be in prayer about these beautiful new Christians. We ask your prayers for us, that we will be wise in knowing how to help these people grow in the knowledge of our Lord. At the same time, we ask you to pray that we will have the wisdom to recognize our limits and depend on our Lord now more than ever.

As many of you know, in February I(Cindy) received a diagnosis from the doctors that I had breast cancer. It is an aggressive cancer, but in the very early stages. Since then, life has felt a bit like a roller coaster. News like that is, at least for the moment, heart stopping. Our hearts are working well again, and we are learning to depend on God in a very new way. Of course, Don and I have times of great sadness, anger, and fear, but I can truly say it is not where we “live”. We live in God’s grace and most of the time also in His peace.

We have received so many expressions of love and concern. Thank you!! We are also so grateful now more than ever, for the German health insurance, which covers most of the costs so that we don’t have to worry about the financial side of this illness.

Most of all we are grateful to our God. We ask here, also, for your prayers for Don and I and all our family, that the peace of God will fill our hearts and minds as we deal with the challenges that lay ahead.

In His Grace and Peace,  The Roehrkasse Family






Jungle Kids for Christ exists to empower children of the jungle so that they can break the cycle of poverty and abuse and share that message of transformation with their family, community, country, and world. In order to accomplish this goal, there are many facets of the ministry. For the past 2 and a half years I have worked as an
English teacher at the school, Antioch Christian Academy. I taught students from 4th grade until the final year of Ecuadorian high school. And, yes, having that wide of an age range is as difficult as it sounds like it would be.

Now, I am in the United States to focus on support raising for the next step that God has for me to take in partnering with Him in His Mission in Ecuador. That step will involve working with both the
basketball club and community development arms of the ministry to reach deeper into the jungle. I will be discipling and assisting the assistant basketball coaches as they bring the sport that they love to different indigenous communities around the area. Then, during their times of practice in those communities I will get the
opportunity to develop relationships with the community leaders.

Mike Neil


In Preparation for Service to
Germany and Broader Europe

BAER FAMILY: Psychological and Theological Training in Pasadena, CA

We are the Baer family - Benjamin, Rebecca, Caia, and Emma. Benjamin and Rebecca are both missionary kids who grew up in diverse settings.

Currently, Rebecca is pursuing her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Fuller
Theological Seminary in Pasadena. It is her passion to hone in on the
integration of theology and psychology within the area of research while also specializing in cross-cultural and trauma therapy. It is her hope to take the knowledge and skills learned back to Germany/Europe where this area of expertise and knowledge is greatly lacking. Currently, Benjamin is working part-time at the Pasadena International House of Prayer (PIHOP) guiding people to God through worship and prayer. It is his goal to continue to grow into pastoral care and spiritual direction as he serves God and the community around him.


It is our desire to encourage local Christian workers, humanitarian aid workers, and missionaries in Germany and beyond to stay faithful to Christ; that they might be strengthened and encouraged to continue the work they have been called to and producing fruit to the glory of God in all areas of their lives. It is Benjie’s heart to encourage through prayer, pastoral counseling and songwriting, while Rebecca seeks to build up the church through therapy, research, teaching and writing focused on the integration of theology and



Common(s) Church San Diego, CA.


Carlos and Gina grew up in big cities but did not grow up in church. Because of that they both know the incredible need for hope in the urban environment. Our lives were changed later in our teen years when we met Jesus through a small urban church in Miami. Soon after that God began to make some things very clear to us; He was calling us to join Him in what He was doing in the world, He was placing a passion in our hearts for a generation who don’t know God, and He was preparing us to start a movement.

We have served in full time ministries for over twenty years, from Florida to New Jersey and now in San Diego. For most of our time in ministry we have had a dream to start a movement that would help a generation fall in love with God. We believe that our faith and God’s timing have always been two critical pieces. We believe God is up to some amazing things here in San Diego through Common(s) Church, now is the time to launch out in faith.

Our children are a huge part of our journey and in the life of our family. Isabella is 24, she’s graduating college soon, Isaac is 21 and is about to transition into a new program & Emma is 19 and is finishing up her studies & working.

Our lives were changed by Jesus and we know that if there is any hope for our world, it is through Jesus. Our dream is to start a movement through our churches that will turn cities into beacons of hope through the reconciliation Jesus freely gives.

COVID-19 changed the world we live in. In a rapidly changing world, God has been bringing churches together to unify the body of Christ and propel His work of reconciliation forward. For us it has never been about a logo or an ego but about playing a part in what God is doing in the global church. After much prayer, fasting and wisdom seeking, it has seemed right to both church’s leadership and to the Spirit for us to unify in the work God is doing in Downtown SD and beyond.

In 2022, Jay Denison, who pastored, Second Sunday and Carlos Isaziga, who pastored, Luminous City, came together to do the work of bringing both their leaderships, their boards and their churches together to relaunch a brand new church in Downtown San Diego called Common(s) Church.

Because of our friendship in the gospel, Common(s) Church has been able to play a part alongside the Holy Spirit in inspiring, equipping, and reconciling people back to God through Jesus. Your prayers and financial support has propelled God’s vision forward. We now are in preparation to launch Common(s) Creative, Common(s) Wellness and The Leaderschool.

Littleton, God is up to something. Let’s join Him.

Carlos Isaziga



Littleton Church Food Bank

Littleton Church of Christ Food Bank serves many people with each family receiving large boxes of food. In addition to the boxes of food; cereal, bread, sweets, meat and yogurt are distributed, plus fresh fruits, and vegetables, when available.

They also receive cosmetics and pharmacy items such as vitamins and aspirin when available. Furniture, bedding, towels, and other household items are donated to us which we are more than happy to distribute.

The Food Bank serves areas surrounding our church as well as walk-ins and those in our own church family. We are blessed to help put food on several family’s tables which they otherwise may not have. 

We are also the recipients of grants from Arapahoe County and receive donations from Costco, Walmart, Pizza Hut, Meals on Wheels, Safeway and food drives, and individual donations.

Occasionally we purchase our food from the Food Bank of the Rockies with funds from the budget of the church.

Thank you for your continued support.

Please get in touch with Birdy at 303-250-5201, and she can get you plugged in and/or give you more information.

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