Chennai, South India


PAUL AND DORETHY - NIRANJAN (my son-in-law), GODSON (my grandson), ANGELIN (my daughter)


Myself Dr. Paul Renganathan, began my journey of over four decades as a professor at Douglas Memorial Bible College in 1976, later becoming a professor at Madras Teacher's Training College.

I founded World Bible School and Brighton Bible College in India, with the sole purpose of training preachers who could take the Word of God to parts where our true savior is unknown to people. For 38 years, our dedicated work from Chennai, South India has been focused on spreading love, hope, and salvation. We have witnessed the transformation of more than 120,000 individuals in 16 nations across four continents.

Our efforts have led to the establishment of 1701 churches and the graduation of 1692 preachers from our training school. We have shared over 2.5 million biblical handout lessons. Our compassion is also evident through the distribution of 6720 wheelchairs, 2923 goats, 1262 bicycles, 2471 sewing machines, and 180 fishing boats.

Through these initiatives, we have not only uplifted lives but also promote their self-reliance. In times of disaster, we have aided 122,000 individuals and provided medical care to 2.5 million people through our mobile clinic.

Additionally, we have set up 15 orphanages, caring for 315 children, and revitalised rural communities by installing 743 water wells. Our impact extends further as we have established four Christian schools across the country, nurturing thousands of students academically, morally, and spiritually.

These achievements stand as a testament to our unwavering faith, boundless compassion, and transformative influence.

As we continue to illuminate people with the teachings and grace of God, we deeply appreciate the love and support from you.

Paul Renganathan & family



Jungle Kids for Christ exists to empower children of the jungle so that they can break the cycle of poverty and abuse and share that message of transformation with their family, community, country, and world. In order to accomplish this goal, there are many facets of the ministry. For the past 2 and a half years I have worked as an English teacher at the school, Antioch Christian Academy. I taught students from 4th grade until the final year of Ecuadorian high school. And, yes, having that wide of an age range is as difficult as it sounds like it would be.

Now, I am in the United States to focus on support raising for the next step that God has for me to take in partnering with Him in His Mission in Ecuador. That step will involve working with both the
basketball club and community development arms of the ministry to reach deeper into the jungle. I will be discipling and assisting the assistant basketball coaches as they bring the sport that they love to different indigenous communities around the area. Then, during their times of practice in those communities I will get the
opportunity to develop relationships with the community leaders.

Mike Neil



In Preparation for Service to
Germany and Broader Europe

BAER FAMILY: Psychological and Theological Training in Pasadena, CA

We are the Baer family - Benjamin, Rebecca, Caia, and Emma. Benjamin and Rebecca are both missionary kids who grew up in diverse settings.

Currently, Rebecca is pursuing her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. It is her passion to hone in on the integration of theology and psychology within the area of research while also specializing in cross-cultural and trauma therapy. It is her hope to take the knowledge and skills learned back to Germany/Europe where this area of expertise and knowledge is greatly lacking.  Currently, Benjamin is working part-time at the Pasadena International House of Prayer (PIHOP) guiding people to God through worship and prayer. It is his goal to continue to grow into pastoral care and spiritual direction as he serves God and the community around him.  

It is our desire to encourage local Christian workers, humanitarian aid workers, and missionaries in Germany and beyond to stay faithful to Christ; that they might be strengthened and encouraged to continue the work they have been called to and producing fruit to the glory of God in all areas of their lives. It is Benjie’s heart to encourage through prayer, pastoral counseling and songwriting, while Rebecca seeks to build up the church through therapy, research, teaching and writing focused on the integration of theology and psychology.